Techniques Of Osteopathic-Style Manipulation Therapy
OMM is an approach to treating multiple types of musculoskeletal issues that entails stretching, gentle pressure, soft tissue manipulation, and more. It can help people of all ages, from children to seniors. Although Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine is renowned for effective muscle pain treatment, it can also boost your recovery time after surgery. Our skillful osteopathic physicians use hands-on techniques to diagnose, treat, and prevent ailments and injuries. We practice several methods to help patients heal from illnesses that inflict pain and limit mobility: musculoskeletal realignment, muscular energy technique, and strain-counterstrain technique.
A crick in your neck or back, frequent headaches, or joint pain can make you feel older. If you a looking for an appropriate treatment to soothe your pain, musculoskeletal realignment therapy is the perfect option. Osteopathic treatment aims to correct bad posture or alignment that causes you suffering and discomfort.
Most back problems stem from living a sedentary lifestyle. However, a majority of people opt to take pills for their pain, instead of obtaining a proper diagnosis or treatment from a medical professional. Our clinic specializes in musculoskeletal realignment to help ease your back pain, rid your muscles of knots, and improve your posture. We create a personal treatment plan to meet your specific needs and help you live a pain-free life.
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) can be added to the treatment plan of people experiencing lower back pain, limited range of motion, somatic dysfunction, or headaches. This type of osteopathic manipulation treatment is an active technique involving the patient's participation, and it can be applied to most areas of your body.
During a MET session, the patient contracts muscles against a controlled counter-force administered by a physician to loosen and stretch them. If your rigid muscles cause you significant discomfort, ask our professional osteopathic physicians for help. We use Muscle Energy Technique to provide a structural diagnosis, eliminate your discomfort, and restore your joint motion.
Strain-Counterstrain Technique is a gentle manipulation of soft tissue to treat pain and release the muscle and spasm. It can be applied to any area of the body. Strain-Counterstrain Technique aims to put the patient with a spasm in a comfortable position for 60-90 seconds to relax the tissue and repeat the process until the spasm is gone. Using this method, our trained osteopathic doctors give you the immediate pain relief you need by reducing muscle tension.
Best Osteopathic-Style Manipulation Therapy Near Me
If you are searching for the “best Osteopathic-Style Manipulation Therapy near me,” look no further. Directed by Gary B. Clark, MD, MPA, our clinic provides effective non-surgery treatment for the following health problems:
Joint Ligament and Tendon Sprain
Joint Instability
Cervical (Neck) Pain
Thoracic Rib Intercostal Joint Pain
Lumbar Pain
Sacroiliac Pain
Short Leg Syndrome
Long Leg Syndrome
Scoliosis Syndrome, and more
If you suffer from joint pain or dysfunction, call us today at 303-444-5131 to consult with one of our specialists and learn how we can help you.
* Gary B. Clark is a medical doctor (MD) not a doctor of osteopathy (DO). Dr. Clark has been specifically trained by osteopathic physicians in the art and science of osteopathic manipulative medicine at workshops sponsored by the American Academy of Osteopathy. Dr. Clark practices very comprehensive musculoskeletal alignment diagnosis and an extremely effective, low-velocity, osteopathic-style of musculoskeletal realigning manipulation.