Are there any nutritional supplements that may help Prolotherapy in its healing effect?
Are there any nutritional supplements that may help Prolotherapy in its healing effect?
During the course of Prolotherapy treatment sessions, it would be helpful to take supplemental Vitamin C to take advantage of its facilitating the laying down of new collagen and healing the sprain injury “wound”.
A dosage of two to three grams of Vitamin C orally per day is recommended. Some diarrhea may occur on initiating the Vitamin C supplementation, which is usually easily controlled by reducing the dosage.
The Latest Questions
What is the scientific basis for Prolotherapy?
Prolotherapy is an established technique for healing lax, stretched, or torn joint ligaments and muscle tendons. The technique consists of injecting a proliferant solution at the site of attachment of the ligament or tendon to the joint bone.
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Is Prolotherapy an “off-label” use of Procaine™ and Glucose?
Dr. Clark uses the components of the proliferative solution in an “off-label” fashion, extended beyond the usual and customary recommendations of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA).
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To what diagnoses is Prolotherapy applicable?
Prolotherapy is an appropriate therapy for treating any ligament or tendon sprain injury resulting in joint laxity, instability, dysfunction, or pain.
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